True Love Dating App

How accurate is the Love Synastry Love Compatibility Test?

Do you think you’re going to find true love on a dating app?A lot has changed in the past ten years thanks to smartphones. In 2013 only 11% of singles had a. Dating app developers also don’t want to discourage users. Millennials are spending an average of 10 hours a week on dating apps — and yes, dating burnout is a thing. Researchers explored whether or not online dating fulfills its mission to bring people together and found that the answer is yes. They observed that these platforms do expose. A free dating app may have a reputation for facilitating hookups, while a more serious online dating service may deal more in finding true love. Online daters should always take that into account when looking through their options on Google Play or the App Store.

The Love Synastry App is extremely accurate in giving you important insight into the long-term potential of your relationship, which may not be so obvious in the early stages of dating someone.

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It can also reveal hidden patterns you may have not noticed even if you have been together with your partner for years.

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This exact numerology compatibility test method is unique, as it combines a number of ancient techniques, and has been tested on thousands of couples over the course of 25 years.

The Love Synastry compatibility test gives very accurate information about the long term potentialof any relationship as well as the base compatibility between two people. You should, however, never rule out your own feelings and experiences with the relationship. Even though the Love Synastry app shows extremely accurate love compatibility test results, you and only you know your partner in person.

If your partner is showing abusive behavior, is lying, cheating on you, or in any other way hurting your feelings or emotions, you should by no means use the app to excuse their behavior.


On the other hand, if you already feel confident that you have found the one, and the love compatibility test results confirm this – you can trust it to re-affirm your own intuition and reasoning about the relationship.

Why is this love compatibility calculator better than other similar applications?

Nowadays we come across a great number of applications, made for fun, or numerology and astrology calculators that only use one technique to show results, which are either very subjective, or very inaccurate. Our love compatibility calculator is neither of that!

The Love Synastry app consists of a number of techniques that have been combined into a method that has been manually tested on a huge number of real-life couples, before being developed into an app.

True Love Dating App

We have created this Love Synastry app with the pure intention to help you truly thrive in your love life! We KNOW the struggle of finding that special partner, who makes us feel truly loved, valued, appreciated, and taken care of, so having discovered this amazing tool, we felt it is our mission to share it with the world!

The Love Synastry app is the BEST relationship compatibility test for making sure you don’t pass by your soulmate and not notice them!

It is also the BEST shortcut to true love, as it can help you better choose your dates, so that you don’t waste time on the wrong ones!

Is numerology better than astrology?

Since I have a background in both astrology and numerology, I can say that in a way – yes!

Numerology can be better in giving you a more accurate result about your compatibility with someone, because it is less subjective. Numbers are numbers, and they give you very straight-forward results.

Astrology can surely provide much more in-depth information about the psychological profile of a person as well as predict certain events in their life, however, we have found that astrologers can go very wrong in their compatibility readings. This is because each astrologer interprets the planets’ positions through their own prism and through their own experience. The Love Synastry Love Compatibility Test is indeed very straight-forward in giving you the short, clear answers to make the right decision about your love life.

How should I use the Love Synastry compatibility test?

Enter your birth date and the birth date of your partner.

You can also use the Love Synastry app to check compatibility with potential dates from dating sites. Why waste time on dates that are no good for you in the long-run, especially if you are looking to find true love that lasts a lifetime! Skipping the wrong ones altogether gives you a much better chance at finding your soulmate sooner!

  1. Follow through the steps.

First, the app gives you a very basic love compatibility test result by analyzing your mutual life path number. This first indicator of compatibility is not to be ignored, as 98% of couples, who are not compatible by life path number separate even after years of being together. Pay attention to this very first compatibility indicator, and keep it in mind.

Second, the love compatibility app uses special calculations to analyze your long-term marriage compatibility results. This is a very important indicator, which provides an extremely accurate analysis of how well you will be able to synchronize your different value systems as a couple.

Again, thousands of results from real couples as well as analysis on celebrity couples has shown that if this one indicator is missing, the clash of personalities is likely to ruin the relationship sooner or later. In this part of the analysis, we give you very specific advice on what to do in order to overcome potential drawbacks in this area of your relationship.

Third, the Love Synastry Love Compatibility Test uses another special, time-tested formula to calculate how prone each of you is to take on responsibility and commit in the long term, then synchronizes the result to show you how well you will work as a couple. This is another crucial indicator of love compatibility, especially if you are looking to build a family life together and have kids. It is extremely hard to form such a relationship with someone, who is inherently irresponsible and has a deep-rooted fear of commitment.

This indicator has again been tested on a great number of individuals to prove its trustworthiness, and is absolutely vital knowledge you need in order to make a decision on whether you need to take it to the next step with someone, or rather move on (especially if you have doubts already, and they have been flaky).

Last but not least, the Love Synastry Love Compatibility Test makes a comparison on your and your partner’s karmic combinations, which is another important indicator of lifelong happiness.

Each of us comes to this Earth with a certain amount of karmic burden and lessons they have to learn. If you and your partner have the very same karmic lessons to learn, then you will start weighing each other down at some point in the relationship, rather than lifting each other up. In this case, you are most likely to have the same weaknesses, same fears, and same demons to fight, which means you do not complement each other harmoniously.

On the other hand, if you have relatively different karmic lessons to learn, you will be harmoniously complementing each other, and helping one another, as you will be able to learn from each other, and help each other grow.

This last indicator of compatibility should also be paid good attention to, especially if you are looking for a truly exceptional union of Love! Remember, we are not giving you a compatibility in lust – that’s easy to get – we are helping you find true love!

If you are yearning for that special someone, for that soulmate, the love of your life that will keep your heart warm, joyful, excited, but at the same time calm, and truly happy – then it is time to stop guessing and start using the Love Synastry Compatibility Test App!

True Love Dating App

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I’ve always been a big fan of online dating. When I was single, I met wonderful men online, and as a dating coach, I teach women how to date online effectively. My clients have extremely high success rates – almost all end up in relationships, so I’m totally sold on online dating (for those who want to put in the time and effort). There are so many awesome singles online!

But what about dating apps? Are they just for hooking up or can you actually find committed relationships and true love on the apps as well?

I used to poo-poo dating apps, thinking they were only for promiscuous players. When Tinder came on the market, it seemed like it was the straight people’s version of Grindr, and most people were using it for hooking up (having sex with strangers). But that’s not the only way it’s being used now.

These days, sites like Tinder, Hinge, Happn, Bumble, and Coffee Meets Bagel are very popular with commitment-minded singles. Believe it or not, many of my marriage-minded clients have tried dating apps and have had very good experiences. In fact, some prefer dating apps over traditional online dating sites!

Here are some of the advantages of using dating apps…

  • It’s super easy to start a conversation.
  • It takes less effort than online dating.
  • You can limit who contacts you by indicating interest (or lack of it).
  • There’s less rejection – in most cases you’ll never know who wasn’t interested in you.
  • You won’t overthink or disqualify people (because apps don’t give that much info).
  • With GPS location-based apps, you can see where people actually ARE (as opposed to where they say they are) and you can date someone nearby.
  • Some apps interface with Facebook, so you have a “friend” frame of reference.
  • Apps are quick and easy to use.
  • You can be spontaneous and meet someone right away.
  • You can go out on more dates than with traditional online dating.

Each app is a little different, so here’s a breakdown of some of their features…

Hinge connects you with friends of your Facebook friends, so you meet people from similar social circles, and you have a frame of reference – you can see which friends the two of you have in common (and do a little pre-date research). This app gives you the person’s last name, so privacy might be an issue. You’ll like this if you want to Google someone before meeting. Hinge gives you a few matches per day and you have only 14 days to begin communicating (that is a motivator!). I’ve heard more positive things about Hinge than any other dating app.

True Love Dating App

Happn connects you with people you cross paths with on a regular basis. Men and women indicate interest by “liking” each other and sending “charms”. If there is mutual interest, both parties can begin texting. But I had one client turn off the app because she got matched with someone in her office, which she wasn’t comfortable with. Depending on how you look at it, this app is pretty cool or kinda creepy.

Tinder allows both men and women to show interest by swiping right or left, and there is no limit to how many people you can “like”. I’ve heard from a female client that some men (and probably women too) swipe for the ego boost, with no intention of taking it anywhere. So don’t take it personally if you match with a bunch of people and only a handful actually message you. On Tinder, it’s especially important to indicate that you’re looking for a long-term relationship and not a hook up. Tinder also lets you know if you’re connected with someone on Facebook.

Bumble is a great app for women who don’t want to get overwhelmed or hear from men they aren’t interested in. On Bumble, both men and women indicate interest, and when they are matched, only women can reach out via text and they have just 24 hours to make contact, which I like.

Coffee Meets Bagel (love the name) gives you only one match per day, which I love! This app does away with overwhelm and what I call “online dating ADD”. Studies show that people are more likely to make a decision and take action when they have fewer choices and for that reason alone, I highly recommend the Coffee Meets Bagel app! As added bonuses, the app uses Facebook integration and singles can only connect if there is mutual interest.

Here are a 5 important things to remember when using dating apps:

1. Your photos say it all. With some of these apps, you can only use one or two photos and there is very little personal information, so those photos better be good! Photos tell stories, so you might want to choose one that’s not only flattering but also interesting or fun! If you’re not getting the response you want, try using a different one.

2. Make sure to indicate that you are looking for LOVE. There are so many different ways you can do this – it’s up to you – but just do it! If you’re ready to find “the one”, don’t waste your time talking with people who are dating just to date (or have sex). Your time is too valuable.

3. Be careful! Please use your common sense and be super careful. Meet people in public places, let someone know where you’re going and who you’re meeting, and don’t give out personal information until you know this is someone you can trust.

4. Insist on a phone call. Dating has become so impersonal, which is why I teach my clients that they must always set up their dates via phone. If someone isn’t willing to pick up the phone and call (not text), then they’re not worth meeting. ‘Nuff said!

5.It doesn’t really matter HOW you meet people – it matters THAT you meet them! So regardless of whether or not you use an online dating site, a dating app, go to happy hour after work, or get fixed up by your great aunt Myrna or a matchmaker like me – just keep dating! A smart strategy coupled with consistent effort is a proven recipe for success!

I hope you find this information helpful. I’d love to hear which are YOUR favorite (and least favorite) apps and why.

And remember, dating isn’t always easy, but you’ve got to make sure you’re having FUN. Decide to be authentically you, have a positive attitude, be kind, enjoy being in the moment without worrying about the outcome, and just ENJOY it. Sometimes it takes longer for our love to show up than we’d like, but “the one” is on the way, don’t you worry about that! All good things come to those who wait (and put in the time and effort)!

Have a GREAT day! And go download a dating app! What the heck – give it a try!

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